
Thursday, October 3, 2019

NTS Test Preparation for Analytical Reasoning question with solution, Six Person A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table facing the center, NTS old Ppaers, NTS old test, NTS test solution, Most repeating question

Statement: Six Person A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table facing the center.

1. C is sitting exactly between A and F
2. B is sitting two places of the left of E
3. D is sitting two places to the right of F.


Q-01: Between which two persons is D sitting
(a). F-B
(b). E-B

Q-02: Who is sitting opposite A?
(a). F
(b). C
(c). E
(d). None of these

Q-03: Which of the following A's neighbor to his right
(a). C
(b). F
(c). B

Q-04: Who is sitting opposite E?
(a). A
(b). B
(c). F

Q-05: Between which of two persons is F
(a). A-B
(b). B-E
(c). C-B

NTS Test Preparation for Analytical Reasoning question with solution,A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are sitting on a bench and all of them are facing East, NTS old Ppaers, NTS old test, NTS test solution, Most repeating question

Statement :  Answers the questions based on the following information:

1. A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are sitting on a bench and all of them are facing East
2. C is to the immediate right of D, but not next to F
3. B is at the extreme end and has E as his neighbor
4. G is between E and F
5. D is sitting third from the south end.


Q-01: Who is sitting to the right of E?
(a). A
(b). C
(c). D
(d). None

Q-02: Which of the following pairs is sitting at extreme ends
(a). A, B
(b). A, E
(C). C, B

Q-03: The person sitting third from the north?
(a). F
(b). E
(c). G

NTS Test Preparation for Analytical Reasoning question with solution, NTS old Ppaers, NTS old test, NTS test solution, Most repeating question

NTS Test Preparation for Analytical Reasoning question with solution

Statement : 07 Person live in a street having houses in line consider the following:

1. A   lives in the corner's house
2.  is between E and G
3. There is 1 house between  D and F
4. F is neighbor of G
5. There are two houses between A and G

Solution :

Q-01: Who lives in the second corner
(a). B
(b). C
(c). D
(d). E

Q-02: Who lives in the middle?
(a). B
(b). C
(c). G
(d). E

Q-03: Who lives in between B and G?
(a). B
(b). C
(c). F
(d). E

Q-04: There are __________ Houses between B and E?
(a). 1
(b). 2
(c). 3
(d). 4

Monday, September 25, 2017

Subject Knowledge, NAT, ANALOGY, ANTONYMS, Sample Math Questions, NTS Sample test,

Subject Knowledge

This part has different format for each group i.e NAT-IA, NAT-IE, NAT-IM, NAT-IIA, NAT-IIO, NAT-IIM, NAT-IIP, NAT-IIB. Some of them have general knowledge and Islamiyat questions. Some have science subject. So better study about the format of each of these groups for this part for better understanding.


(A) Depth : Trench
(B) Shade : Tree
(C) Weight : Age
(D) Speed : Highway
(E) Mineral : Mine


(A) Comatose : Consciousness
(B) Serene : Composure
(C) Erudite : Knowledge
(D) Adroit : Skill
(F) Invigorate : Energy



(A) Modern
(B) Alien
(C) Ornamental
(D) Natural
(E) Conceal


(A) Curative
(B) Injurious
(C) Medicinal
(D) Practical
(E) Slander


Sample Math Questions

1.What is the average of positive integers from 1 to 100 inclusive?
(A) 49
(B) 49.5
(C) 50
(D) 50.5
(E) 51


2. If x+y= 6, y+z= 7 , and x+z= 9 , what is the average of x , y and z ?
(D) 11
(E) 22


3. Aslam has 4 times as many books as Salman and 5 times as many as Javed. If Javed has more than 40 books, what is the least number of books that Aslam could have?
(A) 200
(B) 205
(C) 210
(D) 220
(E) 24


Electrical & Electronics MCQs, NTS test for electronics and Electrical, Electrical test, Electronics Test, test solution, Nts, problem solutions

Electrical & Electronics MCQs,

1- A Transformer is designed to be operated on both 50 & 60 Hz frequency.For the Same rating, which one will give more out put; when,
 a. Operates on 50 Hz
 b. Operates on 60 Hz

2- In a Transformer , The primary flux is always _________ the secondary ( flux).
a. Greater then
b. Smaller then
c. Equal
d. Equal in both step up and Step down Transformer

3- What would happen if we operate a 60 Hz Transformer on 50 Hz Source of Supply.(and how can we do that?
a. Current will decrease (so increase the current)
b. Current will increase ( so decrease the current)
c. Current will be same in both cases.
d. No Effect ( We can do that without changing anything)

4- We can’t perform such an operation.
A Step-Up Transformer which has 110/220 turns.What would happen if we replace it with 10/20 turns? (because Turns ratio would be same in both cases)
a. induced E.M.F wold be same
b. Induced E.M.F would be decreased

5- The rating of transformer may be expressed in ____________.
a. kW
b. kVAR
c. kVA
d. Horse power.

6- What will happen if the primary of a transformer is connected to D.C supply?
a. Transformer will operate with low efficiency
b. Transformer will operate with high efficiency
c. No effect

7- Transformer may start to smoke and burn
What would happen if a power transformer designed for operation on 50 Hz (frequency) were connected to a 500 Hz (frequency) source of the same voltage?
a. Current will be too much high
b. Transformer may start to smoke and burn
c. Eddy Current and Hysteresis loss will be excessive
d. No effect

8- What would happen if a power transformer designed for operation on 50 Hz (frequency) were connected to a 5 Hz (frequency) source of the same voltage?
a. Current will be too much low
b. Transformer may start to smoke
c. Eddy Current and Hysteresis loss will be excessive
d. No effect

9- A Step Up transformer _____________.
a. Step Up the level of Voltage
b. Step down the level of current
c. Step up level the power
d. Step up the level of Frequency

10- Under what condition is D.C supply applied safely to the primary of a transformer?
a. We can connect directly to DC. No condition required
b. We can’t connect to DC Supply

11- A High resistance should be connect in series with primary, but circuit will be useless.
 The above statement is wrong
An Auto-transformer (which has only one winding) may be used as a ______?
a. Step-Up Transformer
b. Step-Down Transformer
c. Both Step-Up and Step-Down transformer
d. None of the above

12- E.M.F Equation of the Transformer is _________.
E1 = 4.44 f N1 Øm      ,    E2=4.44 f N2 Øm
E1 = 4.44 f N1 Bm A   ,   E2 = 4.44 f N2 Bm A
E1=  4.44 N1 Øm/T     ,    E2=4.44 N2  Øm/T
All of the above
None of the above

13- The friction losses in  Real Transformers are _________?
a. 0%
b. 5%
c. 25%
d. 50%

14- An Isolation Transformer Has Primary to Secondary turns ratio of __________.
a. 1 : 2 
b. 2 : 1
c. 1 : 1

15- Can be any ratio
 In an Auto Transformer, The Primary and Secondary are__________Coupled.
a. Only Magnetically
b. Only Electrically
c. Magnetically as well as Electrically
d. None of the above

16- A Transformer______________.
a. Changes ac to DC
b. Changes dc to AC
c. Steps up or down DC Voltages & Current
d. Steps up or down AC Voltages & Current

Sunday, August 23, 2015

NTS sample papers, iq test preparation, nts test guide, nts notes,

Nation Aptitude Test (NAT)
12.Exactly 7 persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U & V - participate in and finish all of a series of races. There are no ties for any position at the finish of the races. The following statements about the races are always true :
1. V finishes somewhere ahead of P
2. P finishes somewhere ahead of Q
3. Either R finishes first and T finishes last, or S finishes first and U or Q finishes last

If in a race S finishes sixth and Q finishes fifth, which of the following can be true?
(A).     V finishes first or fourth     (B).     R finishes second or third
(C).     P finishes second or fifth    (D).     U finishes third or fourth*

13.“If Hameed is a member of writers’ group in college, he is member of library group in college”. This statement can be logically deduced from which of following statements
(A).     All the members of library group are member of writers’ group
(B).     Everyone who is member of writers’ group is also member of library group.          
(C).     Hameed is either member of writers’ group or library group              
(D).     Some member of library group are members of writers’ group

Five educational films A, B, C, D, & E are to be shown to a group of students. The films are to be shown in a particular order, which conforms to the following conditions:
1. A must be shown earlier than C.
2. B must be shown earlier than D.
3. E should be the fifth film shown.
14.Which of the following is an acceptable order for showing the educational films ?
(A).     A, C, B, D, E              (B).     A, C, D, E, B
(C).     B, D, C, A, E              (D).     B, D, C, A, E

15.In case C is shown earlier than E, which among the following will hold true?
(A).     A is the first film shown.     (B).     B is the second film shown.
(C).     C is the third film shown.    (D).     D is the fifth film shown.

16.In case D is to be shown earlier than A, then for which among the following is there exactly one position from first through fifth in which it can be scheduled to be shown ?
(A).     A                     (B).     B
(C).     C*                   (D).     D

Nation Aptitude Test (NAT)
17.Which of the following is a pair of films that CANNOT both be shown earlier than E ?
(A).     A and B                      (B).     A and D
(C).     B and C                      (D).     C and D

18.In case D and E are shown as far apart from each other as possible, which among the following would be true ?
(A).     A is shown earlier than B.               (B).     B is shown earlier than C.
(C).     C is shown earlier than E.               (D).     E is shown earlier than B.*

19. In case B, D and E are to be shown one after the other in the given order, the two positions from first to fifth in which A could possibly be shown are
(A).     first and second.                   (B).     first and fourth.
(C).     second and third.                  (D).     third and fifth.

NTS sample papers, iq test preparation, nts test guide, nts notes,

Nation Aptitude Test (NAT)

Two or more essences of five substances (L, M, N, O, and P) are used in making perfumes by a manufacturer. He has to combine substances according to the following rules for CORRECT COMBINATION.
1. A perfume containing L, should also contain the substance N, and the quantity of N should be twice as that of L.
2. A perfume containing M, must also have O as one of its components and they should be in equal proportion.
3. A single perfume should never contain N as well as O.
4. O and P should not be used together.
5. A perfume containing the substance P should contain P in such a proportion that the total amount of P present should be greater than the total amount of the other substance or substances used.

6.Which of the following is correct combination for a perfume?
(A).     One part L, one part P          (B).     Two parts M, two parts L
(C).     Five parts P, five parts M    (D).     Four parts O, four parts M

7.Which of the following combinations will be come correct by adding amount of substance N?
(A).     One part L, one part N, five parts P          
(B).     Two parts M, two parts N, two parts P
(C).     One part M, one part N, one part P          
(D).     Two parts M, one part N, four parts P

8.Which of the following should be added to combination of “two parts N and one part” so that it becomes correct.
(A).     One part L                             (B).     Two parts N
(C).     One part O                             (D).     Two parts P

9.Which of the following combination cannot be used together in a Correct way to make perfume containing two or more substances?
(A).     L and M                                 (B).     L and N
(C).     L and P                                   (D).     M and O

10.Which of the following combination can be made CORRECT by eliminating some or all of substances?
(A).     One part L, one part M, one part N, four parts P
(B).     One part L, two parts N, one part O, four parts P
(C).     One part L, one part M, one part O, one part P  
(D).     Two parts L, two parts N, one part O, two parts P

11.“Nasir must be a student, he has a book in his hand”. This conclusion is valid only if it is true that:
(A).     Students often have books in their hands.                                  
(B).     All the students have books in their hands.
(C).     Students are required to have books in their hands.                
(D).     Only students have books in their hands.

NTS Test Preparation for Analytical Reasoning question with solution, Six Person A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table facing the center, NTS old Ppaers, NTS old test, NTS test solution, Most repeating question

Statement: Six Person A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table facing the center. 1. C is sitting exactly between A a...